Anacortes, WA

Our last couple of rides were stunningly beautiful with a crisp on shore breeze. We left the mountains but we could still see the snow covered peaks... We rode from Marblemount, WA along the Skagit River, West towards the Pacific... The forest was full of lichens and mosses... We hopped on a green tunnel in Concrete (Henry is in this photo)... That took us almost all the way to Burlington where we snuck into town on the levee... On our final, mostly ceremonial ride, we took a few back roads towards Anacortes... And quickly found ourselves riding along the ocean... We reached the bike path that takes you into town... We biked through town and made our way to the beach racing each other up the small hills when we came upon a wonderful surprise... Our friends The Maley's were at the beach with Tibetan Prayer flag...